A6M Zero Speed 400

Full-size AutoCAD plans for the A6M Zero are available for $15, including shipping within the continental US.  Vacuum-formed canopies are available for $10.  You can order by mail or click the PayPal logo for fast, secure on-line ordering.  This design appeared in the November 2005 issue of Model Airplane News, and plans are also available at AirAgeStore.com.

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                          Cart Scale:  1/14
Span: 32"
Length: 23"
Wing Area: 170 SQ IN
Weight RTF: 18 OZ

The prototype shown here is modeled after the A6M2 that lead the first wave of fighters in the December 7, 1941 attack on Pearl Harbor.

Zero rear view.

The airframe was covered with .56 ounce glass cloth and finishing epoxy and painted with Testors Model Master paints. All markings were painted with an airbrush using artist's frisket masks.  The powerplant is a Mega 16/15/6 brushless motor with a 2200-2S Lipo pack.  All-up weight is 17 ounces.

                  flight shot.

                  flight shot landing.

The Zero is similar in structure to my previous designs.  The fuselage is balsa and ply construction and is assembled over an internal disposable crutch.  The wing uses foam cores sheeted with 1/32 balsa sheet.

While originally designed for Speed 400 power, the Zero will fly well with any 400 class brushless motor.  I recommend selecting a motor what will turn an APC 7 X 5E prop at 11,000 RPM with your chosen battery pack. 

Plans and canopies can be ordered by check or money order.

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