Acetone Transfer Print-Wood: A quick and easy way to transfer plans templates to balsa or ply sheet stock.
Estimation Spreadsheet: This zipped archive contains
a copy of the Excel spreadsheet for calculating aircraft weight
that I detailed in my Cybernews column in MAN.
Sheeting Foam Wings with Gorilla Glue: A text article on sheeting foam wings with this lightly foaming adhesive.
Sheeting Foam Wings with 3M Super 77: A text article on sheeting foam wings with spray adhesive.
Glassing Balsa Airframes: A simple procedure for covering balsa airframes with glass cloth.
Covering with Silkspan: This wonderful old-fashioned covering is easier to apply than you think.
Using an Airbrush: A simple primer decribing the inners workings of airbrushes.
Scale Wing Fillets the Easy Way: A simple way to make realistic and durable wing fillets using lite filler and fiberglass cloth.
Radial Engine JPEG File: What's a radial-powered fighter without a radial engine in the cowl? This is a JPEG picture of an engine that you can print and glue into the cowl of your engine. To make my "engine", I spray a sheet of paper with gray primer and let it dry. Next, I print the engine on the painted paper. After the ink dries, I clear coat the image with Testors Dull Cote lacquer or a matte fixative. Done!
and Block Characters DXF File: This zipped archive
contains a DXF file of WWII US insignia, letters and numbers
that you can use to generate your own markings using film or
frisket masks. Scale the characters to the appropriate size and
then print the markings on film or on paper templates. To use
this file, you must have a CAD or graphics program that supports
DXF imports.
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